Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 10: Blaaahh!! Rehab & Sabbath

Tianna's corresponding blog: (click here)

We allowed ourselves to sleep in this morning. I was still trying to get over whatever it was that that entirely destroyed me yesterday. We indeed took the scriptures literally and made the Sabbath a day of rest. We did awake in time to hike over the valley and up a hill to get to church on time. Its worth it, the Jerusalem center has to contain the most beautiful chapel in the entire church. The view ain't bad either. Big windows overlooking the Kidron Valley and the old city. It makes it so much harder to sleep during a Sunday talk when you are in that room. The whole center has beautiful and subtle decor that I found very photogenic. While Tianna updated her blog I wandered around the center and took some pictures.

On the left is an old olive oil press outside the center. On the second is another one used to build a fence. Let there be something said about quality in craftsmanship. Future generations just might think a little less of your creations if you don't do a good job in the first place. There is my random thought for this lovely Sabbath day.
And now we are back on the streets of Jerusalem. I could have spent my whole trip simply doing portraits of people from different religions. Anywhere else the eccentric dress that abounds would turn heads but in Jerusalem it could break your neck if you turned to see everyone.

This was the filthiest I ever saw a street in Jerusalem and thats saying something. There is no rhyme or reason for how streets will look in this town.
Case in point, right around the corner was a very orderly market.
(In Middle East terms obviously)
If anything else, Israel has some dang cool looking pop cans.
Tianna, do you have any closing thoughts?
I didn't think so.

P.S. I did feel quite a bit better by the end of the day.


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