Thursday, January 28, 2010

UVU Artist Series

Travis Lovell, Photographer from UVU Artist Series on Vimeo.

Earlier this year I was asked by a group at UVU if they could do a short documentary about me. I had posted it on facebook but forgot to put it up here. I just noticed they had posted the video on Vimeo so it reminded me that I should put it up here as well. I always hate being in front of the lens but despite my aversions to the process I was pleased with the final product. Let me know what you think.


Mark Johnston said...

It's nice. I wish they'd interviewed you separately and spliced the two together. The fact that you're talking throughout while you're photographing interferes with your natural actions while out shooting causing interruptions, therefore the audio doesn't quite flow as a result.
I really want to work on the close up story this month so let me know when you're heading out with a class.


Kelli Ward said...

i really enjoyed this Travis. Although I must say it made me quite nostalgic for the old days. i need a new project.

Kirsten said...

I loved watching you do what you do. I agree with Mark on the audio thing but overall I really enjoyed it! I learned a lot from your bits of advice here and there throughout it. Thanks for the teaching moment!

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